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ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΤΑΙ η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική, περιληπτική ή κατά παράφραση ή διασκευή περιεχομένου του παρόντος blog με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, ηλεκτρονικό, μηχανικό, φωτοτυπικό, ηχογράφισης ή άλλο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια. Νόμος 2121/1993 και κανόνες Διεθνούς Δικαίου που ισχύουν στην Ελλάδα.

Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

27 Reasons Not to Be Proud to Be German!

1. I drink water when I’m thirsty and beer any time I wish, because tap or bottled water is not bitter, stiff or expensive.

2. I wear white-thick socks only with my sports shoes and not with my sandals…

3. I was never in need to erect a statue or monument, trace of the sinful past and a Wall, a incongruous reminder of the division of my nation, fearing that it might happen again in the future.

4. I think positive; I am optimistic, I have hope and faith, without the aid of lots of alcoholic drinks.

5. I do not believe in racial or any other kind of discrimination or superiority, but I believe in the respect of the human value and the protection of every human being.

6. I was not the cause and didn’t create two official, avowed World Wars and one that is simmering underneath.

7. I didn’t throw humanity in blood shed, I didn’t kill innocent people, I didn’t go after races or other nations, I didn’t set up concentration camps, I didn’t put peoples under my boot, I didn’t loot countries. Besides, in order to produce soap, I use Greek olive oil.

9. I do not owe war compensations or war loans to other countries and peoples.

10. I didn’t usurp foreign civilizations and architectonic cultures (because I had mine); I did not robe antiquities and didn’t steal ancient statues and treasures.

11. I am not a descendant of Adolf Hitler.

12. I might be late and out of time in doing my self-criticism, or with no point. I’ve made lots of mistakes, some of them really painful, but I acknowledge them and struggle against them. I never surrender; I’ve never done it (you surely remember that my relentless German friend, when you sought to crack me down under the Vermacht boot). I neither take the position of nation’s judge nor am I baptized pimp. The role of liable and informer does not suit me at all.

13. I smile both in joy and desperation. I know that it troubles you but, you’d rather set your self free my relentless German friend. Laughing is in my DNA, and its my business!

14. In order for Germany to be REBUILT after the WW II, Ι CONSENTED with other allies to trace out and cancel its war debts (and this is the way Germany pays me back now!), I sent to its plants working, well-intentioned and peaceful Greek immigrants (Gastarbiter), keeping the lazy and useless back in my country.

15. I made the quality Made-in-Germany Siemens appliances and technology public the world over, I even credited the bribery scandal, after I released the responsibility of the German briber, who committed it. Does the guilt lie only to the liable? I guess so…

16. I rejoice under the Mediterranean sea and sun, I live longer and happier with my Mediterranean cuisine and culture, wine, ouzo, olive oil and feta cheese. It may sound cliché but it’s true. I suspect though that it really bothers you, my relentless German friend…

17. We treat each other at the taverna (an alien word for you)… Sometimes we pay later, sometimes each one of us pays his own, sometimes we calculate on the computer, as we are used to say, your humble debtors

18. I fully agree that I borrow and get loans; I still repay old and bitter wounds caused by old and recent invaders, invaders who caressed and seemed progressive, sophisticated, modernized and respectful, with social mechanisms and programs like your ones…

19. I don’t surrender, and it’s my character’s fault. It would be comforting to you to adjust myself to Dachau and Auschwitz. A disgraced and ashamed reminder, ha?

20. My language ability allows me to pronounce any spoken language without sounding as an order, imposition or misspelled bad-sound pronunciation.

21. I didn’t choose Angela Merkel, she was imposed to me. What a face, really! I’d rather go for playmobil...

22. I do not credit and blame others, especially Greeks, as the only culprits for the social, economic troubles and turmoils since the creation of the world.

23. Boiled cabbage, boiled potatoes and sausage is not always my appetizer or side dish. Please have mercy on us, display some degree of imagination!

24. I keep restaurants, tavernas or cafes open at bank holidays and other festive days, to offer coffee and meal, even if you call me lazy

25. In contrast to our times, the economic ‘’occupation’’, the depression and degradation, I celebrate not only in Christmas but in many more days.

26. I nurture and take care of the people and human beings first and then the animals.

27. My family is still like a fist. I don’t pay rent to my parents, although I live with them and reached maturity age. Some ‘’other’’ people have taken good care to not be able to live on my own…

I have only one grievance though:

I don’t have much sense and appreciation of my own worth, my history, my strengths, my lawful entitlements, my splendid and greatness. It is here, at this certain point, that it is not only your fault, my relentless German friend.
It is others fault too, before you or with you...
But I haven’t spoken my last word, and it’s mine…
It wont take too long, and it addresses all of you...

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